Gertie And Morris in a “Slice of Type” only on Friday Fictioneers


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No, it’s not exactly a ribbon cutting event, but…

Morris Buys a Watermelon: The Continuing Adventures Only on Friday Fictioneers


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Morris schlepps Gertie to a seedy part of town for a bargain. But will it be more than he bargained for?

Gertie and Morris On Stage: The Continuing Adventures Only on Friday Fictioneers


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Morris is hungry for theater. Gertie is hungry, well, for pastrami?

Brothers: Friday Fictioneers


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Brothers, siblings, rivals. Always teasing, testing the limits, manipulating. Like some adults we know? Even countries? Presidents, too? OK. So how will this one end?

The Adventures of Jim and Henrietta and Her Amazing Bone Crushing Headache Machine: Friday Fictioneers


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Love means helping one another. Sometimes, preferably, from far away…

Discovering Makes One M-i-i-ighty Hungry: Friday Fictioneers


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You never know how hungry you might get after you make that new discovery that the world never know’d about before. Wait, isn’t that the meaning of a discovery? Oh, forget it. Let’s just eat…

Solutions; Or, What Jon Does When Sandra Prattles Forever On About Something or Other … Friday Fictioneers


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Love and marriage. The world and casual couple conversations. Politics and practical polemics. Solutions and ….

An Artist’s Path to the Sea: Friday Fictioneers


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Some people see things where others don’t, some people create things where others don’t see them, and then some people just don’t create or see, but they like to go to the sea…