Again! Friday Fictioneers

We say “never again,” but it’s here again…

Each week Rochelle Wisoff-Fields posts a pic to write a 100 word story about. This week’s photo is:

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot


“Where are the security guards, Harvey?” Rabbi asked.

In the past guards were only used during the high holidays, but now they were mandatory whenever congregants were present.

Safety training is routine: lock the doors, usher children through rear exits, and members “lying down.” We carry our phones now to the Sabbath service.

Sadly, it has come to this – again!

Protecting ourselves is expensive; we’ve applied for a grant with the Department of Homeland Security’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program.

Rabbi Moishe relied heavily on the president of the congregation, urging him, “Find the guards, Harvey. Quickly. Now.”

Randy Mazie

My comments section always reads, “Have some fun…”

This week it’s serious.
Deadly serious.

27 thoughts on “Again! Friday Fictioneers

    • thank you, Michelle,

      The story was inspired by Ari Feldman, staff writer at the Forward, who recently wrote a piece entitled “Safe At Synagogue After Poway: What You Can Do.”

      It’s heartbreaking how much all the different religious organizations, sects, denominations, sexual orientations, race, women, and anything or anyone else that I may not think of noting here – is prey to hatred, hate crimes, and discrimination.

      I miss the “high road” of our previous administration. I miss integrity, tolerance, patience, understanding, appreciation and respect for others.

      I long for leadership again, but a leadership that displays these kinds of standards for all of us and our children.


  1. A telling story well told. This could be anywhere in the world, unfortunately – Jews, Muslims, Christians – all are boing killed in the name of religion. Did God visualise this when He gave Man free will?.

    • To answer your rhetorical question…
      Whether he visualized it or not, he darn well should do something to fix it.
      (read with an intonation invoking the sound of someone like Groucho Marx or Woody Allen)

      Thanks for commenting,


  2. We have established similar safety/reaction procedures at our church. It is very sad to me that we have to do so. Security cameras that see every part of our building and grounds; concealed carry encouraged; exit strategies, etc. When I was very young, our biggest safety concern at the church was the possibility of fire in an old building made largely of wood. We never thought we’d have to be protecting ourselves from haters.

    • I was surprised to read that your church encourages concealed carry. It’s an interesting disclosure. I don’t read much about concealed carry in places of worship. I would imagine that there is much controversy with regards to it – and it seems that at least in Georgia and in Florida, it is allowable provided the religious institution allows it.

      And yes, I can definitely relate to the biggest concern we had was fire -and how darn long the service was going on for, especially the sermon.


      • I have never seen a gun, nor noticed a suspicious bulge on anyone 🙂 But there are some who have permits, and I find great comfort in that. Most of our congregation has no desire to prohibit guns. “Gun -free zones,” especially when advertised as such, are very tempting targets for criminals who pay no attention to gun laws, anyway 🙂

    • Yes, the hatred is prevalent all over.
      But, unfortunately, it is nothing new. Just reaching great heights once again.
      New and reasonable voices must be heard to quell the anger and violence.
      In the meanwhile the best defense is a good defense.


Have some fun...