Taking Charge: Friday Fictioneers

Every parent has to take charge. Please and thank you only goes so far; nagging certainly doesn’t work and we often let things get way too far out of hand…

Each week Rochelle Wisoff-Fields posts a pic to write a 100 word story about. This week photo is:

PHOTO PROMPT © Yvette Prior

Taking Charge

“I’ll get around to cleaning this.” John shrugs.
“When?” his mother replies.
“No good.”
“Nope. You said that last week and the week before that going back to 1972!”
“Ma, I’m only 17. C’mon.”
Ma smiles, “I’ve had enough. It reeks of smoke in here and you shouldn’t be smoking. Or drinking!”
“You and dad do.”
“We’re adults. Clean this up now.”
“Got to go.” John waves.
“Oh no. You go, and your bed and all your things will be outside.”
“You serious?”
“As serious as it gets.”
“And watch your mouth, too.”

Randy Mazie

40 thoughts on “Taking Charge: Friday Fictioneers

  1. Dear Randy,

    As the mother of three sons I’m sure I’ve had this conversation many times over. Too true to life. Nicely done and nice to see you back in the FFFold.



  2. That’s one mom who has had enough and isn’t taking no for an answer any more – good on her.
    Great dialogue telling this teenage story.

  3. As a flash fiction reader and writer – I loved your take on this very common parent-
    Older child dialogue
    And as a counselor tho – mom needs a new MO so they both are set up for a little more success – ha

    • Ha. Good win/win parenting solutions are difficult to come by, given adolescents’ needs to assert their independence. But, yes, this mother has let the line cross
      way too far.

      Thanks for your comments.


      • Yes – they need to assert and move thru crises – well said – and it can be so tricky because they change monthly and just when you get a handle – new phases can emerge –
        I have older kids now – but what I found most helpful was that democratic approach as opposed to the overly authoritarian or totally passive.
        Asking, “what do we need for this situation”
        And explaining why certain things need to be done or can’t be done (the reasons are huge for their growth) and they making sure they know we believe in them – and support them for who they are .

        • Well said, too.

          In my family, we held family meetings with our kids (4 of them) to decide rules. They loved it, and held to the rules better when they were involved in making them. In fact, they’d remind each other when one of them lapsed.

          Yet, I think you’d agree, that a balance needs to be struck between a democratic, passive or authoritarian approach. Parents ultimately must be parents, and kids, often, need to test their strength against those limits to find their own limits.

          To any father or mother struggling, I say: Be a parent. Set a limit. Your kid needs it.

          • well said- and from what youy wrote – i would give you a thumb up for good parenting.
            And I do not say that all the time – and I would be willing to be a kid in your household. ha
            sometimes I ask parents that – to think about if they’d be willing to be a child under their rules. some admit they never thought of it that way.
            it breaks my heart to see too harsh – especially from well-meaning parents – and I see this in Christian circles where they misunderstand (IMHO) the “spare the rod, spoil the child” Bible verse.
            That does not mean “beat” – rod means “guide”in that context – and oh many, I see some harshness when they really need commons sense – and they could use tips from Cesar Milan because his dog training tips often would help parents with the basics. ha
            It also breaks my heart to see too passive.
            And studies have shown that in adulthood those kids “flounder” and have problems “attaching” to others.
            enough on that –
            but enjoyed our comment chatting Randy

Have some fun...