A Million Dollars in Federal Funding? – Friday Fictioneers

Why not? All the Republicans are doing it. It’s called corporate welfare…

Friday Fictioneers – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields posts a pic to write a 100 word story about.
This week it’s: HUMOR

Copyright - Beth Carter

Copyright – Beth Carter

A Million Dollars in Federal Funding?

Yup. Energy bill. Clean energy. Recycling. No waste.

Wow. How much did it cost to put together?

It’s all crap from my son’s bedroom with a few things that the wife made me get rid of.

So, what did you net?


You got to be kidding?

After the wife designed it, she named herself CEO, put the money in an offshore account, charted a private jet, and left me to travel round the world.


Told me I could drive that piece of S**T to Washington to explain it to the Republicans.

Randy Mazie

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