Our Blue World: The Sunday Whirl – Wordle

The color blue got under my skin, and then I had to write…

Each week The Sunday Whirl invites writers to write a poem or short prose using some or all of the “Wordle’s” 12 words. This week it is:

wordle's words

wordle’s words

Our Blue World

It is a blue veil through which we watch the world;
weeping blue tears and whispering blue words.

Some say we bleed blue blood, but not me.
I say let the true bluebloods bleed; and then,
to that, I whisper this blue word: amen.

A blue fire is always lit within me, carried through
my blue body by blue veins. My name is even blue.

But with this blue veil, through which we watch the world,
searching this massive blue stone in this blue universe,
I pray, we pray, hoping to fill this blue vessel,
if only for a moment, with a dash of amaranth, or a spray of chiffon,
or maybe, if we live so long,
a small goblet of chartreuse;

before crumbling into a dusty blue.

Randy Mazie

6 thoughts on “Our Blue World: The Sunday Whirl – Wordle

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