You Are So Revered: The Friday Fict-revere

Out of work? There’s always the midnight shift….

Friday Fictioneers – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields posts a pic to write a 100 word story about.
This week it’s: Humor

Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

You Are So Revered

Paul, you’re home early.
Wasn’t much work today, honey.
Another slow week?
‘Fraid so.
Sit down. I’ll get you some food.
Thanks, Rachel.
What about the late shift?
The midnight rides?
Yeah. Like the old days.
Is that why you put out the lanterns?
It’ll be April soon. Work generally picks up as we get closer to the 18th.
So you put out the lanterns for me… you’re so sweet.
You know I love it when you make that midnight ride, Paul. Say it for me. Cry it out.
Just for you, Rach, because I love you:

The British are coming!

Randy Mazie

27 thoughts on “You Are So Revered: The Friday Fict-revere

  1. Randy,
    You made me laugh with this one. Poor Paul out of work and nothing but the graveyard shift for him…Say it again Paul! Cry it out! She loves him so… Original and funny as all hell.

    • I think the supreme court may rule on middle sex one day after it rules on all the other sexes.

      PS You are so knowledgeable, Janet. For those of you who do not know about Middlesex, and I was one so I had to look it up – Janet’s reference was that Paul rode through the area called Middlesex to warm the colonists.
      And in
      “Paul Revere’s Ride” (1860)- a poem by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

      “…Ready to ride and spread the alarm
      Through every Middlesex village and farm,
      For the country folk to be up and to arm…”

  2. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: Do You Really Think You Light Up Our Lives? (Dedicated to our power companies) | The Writer's Village

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