The End of Capitalism: Julia’s Place 100WCGU

Ha. I just made a mistake. Won’t be the first or last.
I just wrote a quick piece for Julia’s Place 100 Word Prompt

What is 100WCGU? Each week there is a prompt: a few connected words, a selection of individual words or a picture. You have 100 words in order to write a creative piece.

This week’s prompt is: (see this week’s prompt site by clicking here) … returning to the routine …
Except I saw in bold and blue ‘Can You Spare an Hour?’

So I wrote a story for that. Maybe I will be “returning to the routine” next week, but in the meanwhile if you can spare a few minutes – here is my take on a no good prompt of:
‘Can You Spare an Hour?’

picture – Randy Mazie

The End of Capitalism

Standing on the corner, John Franklin, unemployed therapist because nobody could afford one anymore, tried to support his cold, tired frame.

Other men stood on the other corners. All of them were in trench coats; all looking tired and sooty.

They had a fire going in a barrel on the lot of the abandoned filling station.  They took turns around it trying to stay warm.

They all wore signs.

     “Will work for food.”
     “No Job. Help.”
     “Please give.”

His was different.
He wore:

     “Therapist available:
     Can you spare an hour?”

Most everyone smiled…some even stopped and said, hi.

Randy Mazie

19 thoughts on “The End of Capitalism: Julia’s Place 100WCGU

      • transforming from one way of knowing and being is always difficult; sometimes it is a more stark change than other times. HOpefully, there will be peace through the process, no matter how traumatic, for those who are there, those who can assist the process, and those who watch from the security of “It’s always been like this for me.”

    • discipline, reprimands, prison time.. no, no, I’m sure you meant thinking outside the box resulting in such positive reactions as oneness, spirituality, and community.
      Yes, it’s the little different approaches to things that can make the difference.
      But here’s the rub… who will stop the great slide into depression and austerity? Who will fight against the greed and greedy in the world?
      Who will truly cause men to cooperate in order to help all mankind?
      Will it start with a little sign?

  1. Anything that stimulates your mind to create is not wasted- though I might argue against psychotropics. I enjoyed being given the opportunity to read your non-entry. Keep up the good work!

    • Here is my non-response of thank you for your compliment on my non-entry.
      BTW, I love creativity…. and if the psychotropic or psychedelic shoe fits….
      in the immortal line of the Jefferson Airplane ….
      “Remember, feed your head.”
      Wow, too long a day for me.. Randy 😉

    • and opportunists and fools. Randy

      Ooops. I thought you were commenting on a different post (Ye Olde Celebrity Inn)
      Sorry, this was a mistake for real.

      Let’s see? What’s my opportunity here?
      The “End of this Reply is Near. Will Work for Words. (”

  2. It sounds as though the therapist is offering comfort and enlightenment for free. The thought of that sort of charity from an unemployed person, warms my heart, and makes me wonder how he eats.

    (I thought that was the prompt too, at first, when I skipped down to find it. 🙂 )

Have some fun...